When your books matter more than your family, you had better bind them well. In this episode of Murmuring Medievalists, we discuss the fascinating 16th-century book collection of Dutchman Huybert van Buchell with Dr. Katell Lavéant. Who was van Buchell? What sort of books did he collect and why? What is the cultural significance of his library? And how did his collection end up in Utrecht University’s Special Collections in the first place? Charting the life of the respected canon that was Huybert van Buchell, Dr. Lavéant answers these questions and more.
- Jaski, Bart. ‘Van Buchell collection.’ Utrecht University: Utrecht University Library Special Collections, 2020. Last accessed: 1st March 2023. https://www.uu.nl/en/special-collections/the-treasury/private-collections/van-buchell-collection
- Lavéant, Katell. ‘Journée sur la collection Van Buchell et ses recueils.’ Blog of the Société bibliographique de France: Histoire du livre. Posted 13th October 2019. Last accessed: 1st March 2023. https://histoirelivre.hypotheses.org/4524.
- Lavéant, Katell. ‘Usages et intérêts d’un recueil factice du xvie siècle: la trajectoire d’un Sammelband de Paris à Utrecht.’ Blog of the Société bibliographique de France: Histoire du livre. Posted 18th January 2019. Last accessed: 1st March 2023. https://histoirelivre.hypotheses.org/3447
- Lavéant, Katell. ‘Une fenêtre sur les pratiques d’un lecteur du xvie siècle. Les recueils de la collection Van Buchell à la bibliothèque universitaire d’Utrecht.’ Pratiques et formes littéraires [En ligne], 18 | 2021. Posted 29th March 2022. Last accessed: 1st March 2023. https://publications-prairial.fr/pratiques-et-formes-litteraires/index.php?id=315#quotation.
- Pesch, Pierre. ‘Het legaat van Huybert Edmond van Buchell (nr. 87-95).’ Edited in van der Horst, Koert, et al. Handschriften en oude drukken van de Utrechtse Universiteitsbibliotheek. 189-200. Utrecht: Utrecht Universiteitsbibliotheek, 1984.